Bespoke Commercial Security


4 Easy Steps to Better Security

As a business owner, it is in your interest to do everything in your power to ensure that your company's facilities are as safe and secure as possible.

A safe environment is essential for your employees to develop a sense of security at work. A secure workplace ensures that there is no potential for harm to be caused to your employees or your property.

Here are some crucial pointers for increasing the overall security of your premises…


Make sure that no one is left alone in your building. 

To improve office, one of the most straightforward steps you can take is to make sure that your premises are never left unattended at any time. Burglars are opportunists, and when it comes to confrontation, they aren't often interested. You're, therefore, a less attractive target. 

Something as simple as ensuring that you have a receptionist at all times and seated at the front of the business who may recognise people outside the premises will deter would-be thieves from entering. 

A mobile patrol is an excellent option for keeping your business premises safe at night. A marked vehicle that surveys your property while you are not present is an excellent deterrent for any potential intruders. To keep your routine a mystery to intruders, you can alternate patrolling patterns on a daily or weekly basis. 

Install a CCTV system

Cameras are capable of capturing what the human eye cannot.

Even business establishments that are continuously occupied have entry points that are not monitored 24/7. Effective CCTV systems detect security breaches before they can escalate, allowing concierge security to notify the police when there is reason to suspect criminal activity.

Having CCTV systems visible from the outside of the building can also deter would-be thieves. If there is any chance that potential intruders will be seen if they attempt to commit a crime, the location becomes less appealing.

Introduce ID badges

ID badges are far more secure than keys when it comes to entering your company's premises. Keys can be lost or stolen, and they don't have to belong to anyone in particular, whereas ID badges can only be used by the person whose photograph is displayed.

All entrants to the premises should have their picture ID and a valid reason for being in the building, which front-of-house employees can quickly verify. While they require slightly more maintenance and are somewhat more expensive to instal than a lock and key system, an ID system will provide you with an instant record of who is present in your building.

Employee accountability will also be much easier to manage with an ID badge system because you will track which employees have been in which department.

Maintain secrecy

If you're storing and handling information that requires extreme privacy, keep that information as secure as possible by involving only a small number of employees and using a password rotation system that requires lengthy passwords.

That information should only be accessible by a small number of team members, as there is less room for error. It only takes one employee to share sensitive information with the wrong person for your company to become a target, so choose the team members you can put your trust in carefully.

It is also important not to make it immediately apparent where sensitive information is kept by posting a sign in that area, as that room will become an immediate target if an intruder manages to assess the inside of your property.

The presence of any indication on the outside of your building that valuable information or expensive equipment is stored inside will attract the attention of criminals, so make every effort to maintain secrecy as much as possible. 

Long-term success is achieved by continuously assessing your office space for vulnerabilities and considering what additional steps are needed to improve security.